Ten Days to go

Departure date is fast approaching – March 28 will be our first night together for the majority of the crew.

Azalea is the family farm of Melita and Bruce, not far from Merredin in Western Australia.

Ingo and Iris are heading to Perth from Germany via Singapore and arriving soon, staying with Don.
Helen and Graeme are leaving Sydney to arrive on Monday, staying with Barry.
Trev will pick up Pat in Augusta and drive first to Perth, then onto Azalea.
Lorraine and Julia will arrive at Azalea on Thursday.
Janet and Tony will leave Narrogin and meet us there too.
Tim will have John, Graeme and Helen in the VeggieCruza.
All up, we will have 27 in our company of travellers by the time we reach our final night, not far from Ora Banda.